The M.A. degree in Family & Consumer Sciences is designed to prepare students for advanced studies of individual, family, and community issues using an interdisciplinary approach. With an advisor students develop their degree program in one of the family and consumer sciences specializations. Throughout the degree, students gain a greater understanding of current issues and trends in apparel design & merchandising, interior design, nutrition/dietetics, and family studies. The degree consists of 30 units including completion of a master’s thesis or field study project as a culminating experience. Graduates of the M.A. in FCS have gone on to careers in the apparel industry, non-profit sectors, community agencies, early childhood settings, education, and food and nutritional sciences. The M.A. also prepares students for continued education at the doctoral level.
- Apparel Design & Merchandising
- Family Studies
- Interior Design
- Nutrition/Dietetics
M.A. Family & Consumer Sciences Requirements (PDF)
M.A. Procedures (PDF)
M.A. Checklist: Steps to Graduation (PDF)
Recent Culminating Experience Titles (PDF)
- Amy Dorie, Apparel Design & Merchandising
- Gretchen George, Nutrition/Dietetics
- Gus Vouchilas, Interior Design
- Ivana Markova, Apparel Design & Merchandising
- Soheyla Mohammadigorji, Interior Design
- Zubaida Qamar, Nutrition/Dietetic
- Women's Perceived Support Compared with Weight Loss Behavior Changes
- Nutrition Support in Patient with Cerebrovascular Accident
- Communication Related to Preproduction Processes for Large and Small Apparel Businesses
- Childhood Obesity: Parental Self-Efficacy and Perceived Barriers for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
- Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and BMI among San Francisco State University Students
- Effects of Harvest of the Month (HOTM) Curriculum on Mediators of Children's Vegetable Intake
- Designing a Difference Training Center & Apparel Manufacturer
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