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Advisors in FINA
B.S. in Apparel Design & Merchandising
Amy Dorie, BH 335C, (student last name A-L)
Ivana Markova, BH 304, (student last name M-Z)
B.S. in Interior Design
Soheyla Mohammadigorji, BH 335A, (student last name A-L)
Gus Vouchilas, BH 329A, (student last name M-Z)
B.S. in Nutrition & Dietetics
Gretchen George, BH 302, (student last name A-I)
Zubaida Qamar, BH 330, (student last name J-Q)
Jennifer Stimson, BH 301, (student last name R-Z)
Wanda Siu-Chan, BH 303, (Dietetics Internship)
Graduate Program: M.A. in Family & Consumer Sciences
Gus Vouchilas, BH 329A,
Summer advising for all programs
Gus Vouchilas, BH 329A,
New and Prospective Majors
To all prospective and current majors within the FINA Department, welcome. We encourage you to make an appointment with your advisor to prepare or review your Graduation Plan, which will guide you towards graduation with proper course sequencing. Our priority is to facilitate the timely graduation of our majors.
All Majors
- Majors should meet with their advisor each semester. Make an appointment by emailing or signing up outside the advisor’s office.
- Pick up your folder in BH 329 and bring it with you to your advising appointment, then return the folder to the office.
- Be sure to bring your current unofficial SFSU transcript to advising sessions.
- Remember most advisors are not on campus during the summer.
- If you need summer advising, please make an appointment with Dr. Vouchilas. Call (415) 338-2060 for an appointment.
Many of the lower division classes required for the Apparel Design and Merchandising and the Interior Design degrees can be transferred from community colleges. The following link lists the specific classes that articulate (are approved for transfer) into our programs. Check on the ASSIST website for approved courses by clicking on San Francisco State University and the college/university from which you will transferring.
Students do not need further faculty approval for these classes, but the classes do need to be noted in student advising folders along with a transcript showing those courses from the school granting credit for the course. Be sure to continue to see your advisor every semester.
The graduation application is online; go to the Registrar’s Office website for direction; you must first take the university exit survey.
- Typed applications are appreciated.
- Start early to get your advisor’s signature.
- Adhere to the department deadline.
- You are responsible for maintaining your advising folder and accurately preparing your graduation application.
I. Folder
Pick up your folder in the FINA Department office (BH 329) to take to your advising appointment. Then return your folder to the department office (do not remove your folder from the department.). At the time of graduation application, your folder should contain:
- Current SF State unofficial transcript
- Print out of transferred courses (from your Student Center)
- Transcripts (unofficial) from all colleges attended if not listed on your Student Center
- Change of major form, if applicable
- Undergraduate Datasheet with current address and phone number
- Graduation Plan, dated and signed by student and advisor
- Check sheet (requirements) for the year you entered the program
II. Graduation Application
- Check May or August graduation on the application. You must have earned at least 100 units to apply for graduation.
- List all courses you are taking (In Progress) and Incompletes on p.1.
- List all Major courses (pre-reqs, core, emphasis, and electives) on p.2, those completed and in progress. (Do not list more courses than required)
- List prerequisites on the application (except for dietetics) even though the university says not to.
- List substituted course on the application, not the one required at SFSU.
- List courses on the application in exact order of the check sheet in your folder, not the order you took them. (email to receive a scan of your check sheet if needed)
- Highlight or mark all transferred courses and prerequisites on Transfer Credit List.
- Please do not highlight all major courses on transcripts.
- Be sure your advisor or appropriate faculty member signs for all substituted courses on the check sheet with course, grade, semester/year and institution.
- Indicate the degree as follows (not initials):
- B.S. in apparel design & merchandising
- B.S. in nutrition & dietetics
- B.A. in family and consumer sciences
- B.S. in interior design
- Procure advisor’s signature and date.
- Sign the application under Student Signature.
- Submit application to the Dept office along with your advising folder by department deadline.
- Allow at least two working days for the department chair’s signature.
- Pick up application when the FINA staff calls you.
- Submit application to Student Services Building and pay fee by deadline. Students who apply for graduation will receive a letter from the department chair regarding our celebration, which will be the morning of the May University Commencement (check SF State's website for date).
The following scholarships are available each year for current FINA students.
Rabolt Scholarship in the College of Health and Social Sciences (Deadline: November 8, 2024)
Dr. Nancy Rabolt taught fashion merchandising and fashion consumer behavior for 37 years at SF State and was also the department chair of Consumer & Family Studies/Dietetics (currently, Family, Interiors, Nutrition, and Apparel/FINA) from 1998 to 2016. With this scholarship, Dr. Rabolt wishes to support students whose studies and work help to empower families.
- Bay District of CA-AFCS Scholarship (Deadline: April 1, 2025)
- CA-AFCS Scholarship (Deadline: April 1, 2025)
- Stonestown ADM Scholarship (Deadline: November 8, 2024)
- Diversity in Interior Design and Architecture (Deadline: November 8, 2024)
- Riggs Design Scholarship (Deadline: November 13, 2024)
Krohn Trust Dietetic Internship Scholarship (Deadline: November 8, 2024)
Dr. Juno-Ann Krohn Clarke started the DPD program in the CFS/D Department and taught for over 40 years.
Eligible: seniors, 2nd baccs, in DPD program who have applied for an internship
Helen Mau Dietetics/Nutrition Scholarship (Deadline: November 8, 2024)
Dr. Mau taught Family Resource Management in the Department for over 40 years. Upon retirement she moved back to her home in Victoria, BC and passed away last year leaving funds for our student scholarships. This is in honor of graduate Richard Farrar, long-time friend of the Department for a dietetics or FCS nutrition/foodservice student.
Eligible: juniors, seniors, graduate students in Family & Consumer Sciences nutrition area and Dietetics
The FINA Department takes great pride in the work of our students. Each of our program areas builds quality of life issues into curricula and student outcomes address them in myriad ways. Visit the gallery to see our students’ work which invokes new and diverse thought processes that build on knowledge and practice.
There are several options for FINA majors to study abroad. Click on the Office of International Programs/Study Abroad program for information and procedures for applying.
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